• Background screening results are obtained from the FDLE and the FBI by submitting to a fingerprint scan using the livescan method.
• Livescan is a digital fingerprinting process that replaces traditional ink fingerprinting in states where it’s available. An applicant’s fingerprints are securely transmitted to a government agency, which performs a criminal history background check using an Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS).
• The Live Scan Fingerprinting process typically takes around 5 to 10 minutes to complete. Once the fingerprints are scanned, they are electronically transmitted to the Department of Justice (DOJ) for processing. In most cases, the results from DOJ come back within 3 to 5 business days. However, background check reports may be delayed due to poor quality fingerprint capture or other issues that may come up during the fingerprint search.
• The DOJ is responsible for conducting a background check on the applicant, and a notary public commission will not be issued until a report from the DOJ and the FBI is received stating that there is no criminal history.
• The results are emailed or sent to the requesting agency on the Request for Live Scan Service form.
• In case of any delays or rejections, the FDLE will contact the applicant via letter and provide further instructions.
• It is important to note that an applicant’s Live Scan form acts as a release for a criminal history response to be sent to the specified requesting agency. It is against the law for different agencies to share confidential fingerprint results. Therefore, the applicant must submit a new Live Scan application whenever a new criminal history is requested.
• For jobs that require a level 2 background check, an ORI (On-Record Identification) number or Originating Agency Identifier, is required. This is also known as an ORI code. This unique code is provided to applicants by the respective agency. An ORI number indicates which state department will process your fingerprints. The results are emailed or sent to the requesting agency on the Request for Live Scan Service form.
• The TCN, or Transaction Control Number, is a unique identifier that allows you or your agency to track the status of your fingerprint submission within the Florida system.
• Results will not be sent to you or Fingerprint Consultants. To check the status using your TCN, visit FDLE's TCN Lookup (
• Alternatively, you can contact FDLE directly at 850-410-8109. When reaching out to FDLE, be prepared to provide the date of your fingerprinting and your TCN number.
• All major credit cards accepted. No cash or checks.